v1.1.3 (Dec 20, 2016)
- Added title sub header and breadcrumbs to blog archive and search pages

Files Updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- archive.php
- search.php

v1.1.2 (Dec 18, 2016)
- Fixed demo importer issue on some servers
- Fixed pagination issues
- Added project and services categories templates
- Improved project and services breadcrumbs
- Added WPML support for options
- Renamed mts_service_categories slug from "project-category" to "service-category" ( SAVING PERMALINK SETTINGS AFTER UPDATE REQUIRED !!! )
- Fixed homepage PHP warnings
- Fixed wrong service archive link in sidebar
- Allowed eppty values in business hours and office location widgets

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- theme-presets.php
- archive-service.php
- archive-project.php
- single-service.php
- home/section-stats.php
- home/section-ourwork.php
- options/demo-importer/importer/radium-importer.php
- functions/theme-actions.php
- functions/widget-businesshours.php
- functions/widget-officelocation.php

Files added:
- taxonomy-mts_project_categories.php
- taxonomy-mts_service_categories.php
- wpml-config.xml

v1.1.1 (Nov 21, 2016)
- Fixed: In Firefox border was not showing for Clients & Services logos

Files Updated:
- style.css
- functions.php

v1.1 (Nov 19, 2016)
- Added 3 brand new Pre-defined demos (Interior, Tech & Viral)
- Added text 'Comments' for comment post meta info in all the MyThemeShop widgets
- Fixed ajax pagination issue
- Fixed active color picker overlay issue in the Options Panel
- Fixed active color picker issue in the Custom Menu page
- Fixed double wp_query issue in the blog page
- Improved theme responsiveness for mobile screens
- Code optimization and CSS improvement

Files Updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- theme-options.php
- theme-presets.php
- page-blog.php
- css/responsive.css
- options/css/select2.css
- options/css/options.php
- lang/default.pot
- home/section-clients.php
- functions/widget-relatedposts.php
- functions/widget-recentposts.php
- functions/widget-popular.php
- functions/widget-catposts.php
- functions/widget-authorposts.php

v1.0 (Nov 14, 2016)
Theme Released.