v1.2.1 (Oct 03, 2015)
- Fix: Database gets corrupted when import fails
- Fix: Backup restore job duration was negative
- Fix: Job not showing "Finished" when it fails
- Improve: More helpful messages on failed database import
- Fix: Skip directory scan when backing up only the database
- Fix: Memory exhausted on testing exclude filters
- Improve: Database export
- Improve: Set error log for easier debugging
- Minor improvements and optimizations

v1.2.0 (Sep 16, 2015)
- Fix: Completely remove Phar class usage
- Fix: Remove 64bit PHP requirement
- Fix: Cleanup created backup directory if the backup job fails
- Fix: chunked upload size might exceed the memory limit
- New: setting "Upload Size" to change the size of each chunk when chunk uploading
- Minor improvements and optimizations

v1.1.2 (Sep 10, 2015)
- Fix: Backup gets accidentally deleted when restoration fails.

v1.1.1 (Sep 9, 2015)
- Fix: Prevent direct access on some files
- Fix: Jobs and settings are now not deleted when the plugin is deactivated
- Fix: Wrong path being deleted when deleting the full archive after restoring a multi-volume backup
- Fix: Check if pcntl_signal is available on wp-cli job command
- Fix: Change method of splitting new line
- Minor improvement on google drive and ftp upload
- Fix: Job options made compatible for upgrading to the pro version
- Added notification for pro version
- Fix: Jobs and settings being reverted to default when re-activating the plugin
- Removed: unnecessary languages/default.mo file
- Fix: Job fails on DB_HOST with custom port specified

v1.1 (Aug 28, 2015)
- Added Compatibility with PHP v5.3.3
- Fixed: redirect to plugin dashboard on activation
- Fixed: database file not deleted after backup restore
- Fixed: Make sure backup directory is created
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

v1.0.1 (Aug 26, 2015)
- Check PHP version requirement on plugin activation.

v1.0 (Aug 23, 2015)
- Official plugin release.