v1.1.9 (Nov 6, 2016)
- Fixed small header cart button alignment issue on certain screen sizes

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- css/responsive.css

v1.1.8 (Nov 02, 2016)
- Updated schema code
- Fixed duplicate title tag
- Updated translation template

Files updated:
- archive.php
- functions.php
- functions/theme-actions.php
- header.php
- lang/default.mo
- lang/default.pot
- page-blog.php
- post-format/format-audio.php
- post-format/format-gallery.php
- post-format/format-image.php
- post-format/format-video.php
- search.php
- single.php
- singlepost-parallax.php
- style.css

v1.1.7 (Oct 22, 2016)
- One click demo importer improvements
- Install Plugins page improvements

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- theme-presets.php
- options/
- lang/
- functions/plugin-activation.php

v1.1.6 (Jul 26, 2016)
- Update WC template file

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php

v1.1.5 (Jun 22, 2016)
- Fixed WC 2.6 issues
- Updated "MyThemeShop: AJAX attribute filter" widget

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- functions/widget-ajax-layered-nav.php
- js/wc-ajax-attr-filters.php
- woocommerce/content-product.php

v1.1.4 (Mar 21, 2016)
- Added one clcik demo import feature
- Updated image uploader
- Updated code on Recommended plugins page

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- theme-presets.php
- options/demo-importer/
- functions/plugin-activation.php

v1.1.3 (Mar 17, 2016)
- Updated code on Recommended plugins page

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions/plugin-activation.php
- css/addons.css

v1.1.2 (Mar 9, 2016)
- Recommended plugins page changes

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- functions/plugin-activation.php
- css/addons.css

v1.1.1 (Feb 06, 2016)
- Added recommended plugins page

Files changed:
- style.css
- functions/plugin-activation.php
- css/addons.css
- js/addons.js

v1.1.0 (Feb 05, 2016)
- Fixed WC 2.5 issues
- Fixed add to cart issues when "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" WC option is unchecked

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php
- woocommerce/content-product.php

v1.0.9 (Nov 10, 2015)
- Fixed outdated template notice
- Added filters to homepage tabs query args

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- index.php
- woocommerce/single-product/price.php

v1.0.8 (Sep 9, 2015)
- Changed widget constructors to PHP 5 style
- Fixed twitter widget PHP notice
- Fixed structured data errors
- Fixed translation issues

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- functions/theme-actions.php
- functions/widget-ad.php
- functions/widget-ad125.php
- functions/widget-ad256.php
- functions/widget-fblikebox.php
- functions/widget-social.php
- functions/widget-subscribe.php
- functions/widget-tweets.php
- post-format/format-audio.php
- post-format/format-gallery.php
- post-format/format-image.php
- post-format/format-video.php
- post-format/format.php
- woocommerce/product-searchform.php
- woocommerce/cart/cart.php
- woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.php
- woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php
- woocommerce/single-product/rating.php

v1.0.7 (August 12, 2015)
- Fixed WC v2.4.2 outdated template notice
- Fixed single product add to cart button icon

Files updated:
- functions.php
- style.css
- css/woocommerce.css
- woocommerce/content-product.php
- woocommerce/content-product-home.php

Files added:
- woocommerce/loop/title.php

v1.0.6 (Jun 17, 2015)
- Fixed double cart totals on cart page
- Fixed textdomain issue in cart-shipping.php
- Fixed homepage wrong featured category issue
- Fixed translation panel not showing in some cases

Files Updated:
- functions.php
- style.css
- woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php
- options/fields/cats_select1/field_cats_select1.php
- options/php-po/php-po.php

v1.0.5 (May 17, 2015)
- Fixed single product slider image variations issue

Files Updated:
- css/owl.carousel.css
- js/owl.carousel.min.js
- style.css

v1.0.4 (Apr 21, 2015)
- Fixed WC v2.3.8 outdated template notice

Files Updated:
- woocommerce/cart/cart.php
- style.css

v1.0.3 (Apr 09, 2015)
- Fixed error in external link products description

Files updated:
- function.php
- style.css

v1.0.2 (Mar 29, 2015)
- Fixed HTTPS issue in options panel.

Files updated:
- style.css
- options/google-typography/google-typography.php
- Created options/google-typography/ttf folder

v1.0.1 (Mar 26, 2015)
- Fixed wrong notices about CF Post Formats plugin.

Files updated:
- style.css
- functions/plugin-activation.php

v1.0 (Mar 24, 2015)
- Theme Released.