2.0.6 [Sep 25, 2020]
* Fixed quiz data erasing issue on some installations

2.0.5 [Dec 4, 2019]
* Fixed quiz data erasing issue on some installations
* Removed unwanted debug code from the frontend

2.0.4 [Aug 22, 2019]
* Added few missing strings in the localization file
* Fixed auto scroll issue on the last question
* Fixed importing issue where Quiz content is empty
* Removed the deactivate free version notice

2.0.3 [Jun 24, 2019]
* Removed `ES6` code from the frontend
* Fixed Quiz data getting erased if there is `target="_blank"`

2.0.2 [May 23, 2019]
* Added delay time before redirecting to the next question to show explanation
* Added support for %%score%% and %%total%% in the result titles of Trivia quiz
* Added scroll option in multiple page layout
* Added delay time before redirecting after completing the quiz
* Updated translations
* Improved code for better performance
* Removed Support page
* Removed Google+ share button
* Fixed Personality quiz sometimes shows 2 results or no result
* Fixed some strings with wrong text domain
* Fixed Vimeo video sometimes doesn't work
* Fixed CSS conflict with few themes
* Fixed trivia answers are not checked in some cases
* Fixed not able to remove all the sharing buttons
* Fixed personality quiz was not working if only personality quiz is enabled

2.0.1 [Jan 31, 2019]
* Fixed babelHelpers is undefined bug
* Fixed an issue when few Quizzes were missing in the export file

2.0.0 [Jan 21, 2019]
NOTE: This is the major release, please take backup of your database before updating the plugin.
- Created plugin from scratch on the new framework
- Added new UI to improve the user experience
- Added an option to change the archive slug
- Added 44 new Animations for the multipage layout
- Added 'Modern Flat Skin' in the Skin option
- Added an option to set the overall timer for the quiz
- Added an option to show the results in the popup
- Added Shortcode button in the single post's editor bar (Now you can insert the quiz without copy pasting the Quiz Shortcode)
- Added support for 30+ embedding services in the video field, few of them are Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, TED, Imgur, Instagram, SoundCloud, etc (https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds#oEmbed)
- Added an option to import/export plugin settings
- Added an option to export Quiz(s)
- Added an option to show/hide the Next button for multiple page layout
- Added an option to show the hint in each question
- Added an option to set text on both sides of Flip Quiz
- Added an option to set background colors for both sides of Flip quiz
- Added advanced support for the developers, now you can override the templates
- Added an option to disable the unused quiz type
- Improved If 'Show right/wrong answer at the end' option is enabled, then answer for each question will appear only after the completion of the quiz.
- Overall code improvement for the security and performance
- Now you can purchase the pro version from the dashboard
- Many other under the hood improvements to make plugin robust

1.1.9 [Sep 25, 2018]
- Fixed wrong filter name related to play again button

1.1.8 [Jun 30, 2018]
- Added AJAX notices

1.1.7 [Jun 29, 2018]
- Updated admin notices

1.1.6 [Jun 29, 2018]
- Changed admin notices

1.1.5 [MAR 08, 2018]
- Fixed the auto scroll issue

1.1.4 [MAR 02, 2018]
- Fixed the loading of scripts into footer
- Fixed CSS of Flip Quiz

1.1.3 [FEB 05, 2018]
- Fixed Import Demo issue

1.1.2 [OCT 20, 2017]
- Updated: The JavaScript libraries to latest version

1.1.1 [OCT 17, 2017]
- Fixed: Title repeating
- Fixed: Facebook share dialog position issue
- Fixed: plugin url and directory path issues for change of folder name
- Removed: constants for good
- Updated: POT file

1.1.0 [July 22, 2017]
- Fixed: Title while sharing if quiz is embedded into post/page
- Enhancement: Twitter card is used for sharing quiz result
- Enhancement: Google+ now shares quiz result with result text and image

1.0.13 [July 12, 2017]
- Fixed: Personality quiz twitter share issue

1.0.12 [July 06, 2017]
- Add timestamp to Facebook share link

1.0.11 [June 30, 2017]
- Added Support admin page

1.0.10 [June 29, 2017]
- Fixed: Wrong shortcode name displayed in admin area ( "wp_quiz_pro" instead of "wp_quiz" )

1.0.9 [June 24, 2017]
- Fixed: Facebook invalid version issue
- Update: HTML in result description
- Fixed: Result id issue in Facebook Quiz
- Fixed: JavaScript styling and coding issues
- Fixed Facebook share issue and made plugin compatible with Facebook API v2.9
- Optimized code for better performance

1.0.8 [May 25, 2017]
- Added escaping functions

1.0.7 [Nov 16, 2016]
- Fixed backend misaligned input forms
- Fixed backend thickbox modal css issue
- Removed backend bootstrap css file call
- Fixed quiz import issue

1.0.6 [Nov 10, 2016]
- Fixed required php version issue
- Fixed personality and trivia quiz share text title
- Other fixes and improvements

v1.0.5 [Nov 4, 2016]
- Improved typography on mobile screens
- Fixed missing labels issue
- Fixed wrong social share link issue
- Combined CSS files to reduce backend load time
- Optimized Images

v1.0.4 [Sep 22, 2016]
- Quiz shortcode is now displayed regardless of Quiz Post Type status (You can keep Quiz post types in the draft status to avoid duplicate content in the sitemap)
- Prevent empty max and min correct fields from being saved (Trivia Quiz)
- Prevent empty result points fields from being saved (Personality Quiz)
- Reduced font size of Flip quote on mobile screens
- Optimized Images

v1.0.3 [Sep 19, 2016]
- Fixed 5 questions limit issue
- Localized string text 'wrong', 'correct' and 'of'

1.0.2 [Sep 13, 2016]
- Fixed PHP notice on settings page
- Fixed permalink issue occurring after activation
- UI improvements

v1.0.1 [Sep 12, 2016]
- Added confirmation warning box when user clicks on the import button
- Moved Open Graph option below Share buttons options in the General Settings page
- Changed Preview & Upload icons with text in the Quiz Editor
- Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO Plugin
- Few CSS and UI improvements

v1.0.0 [Sep 7, 2016]
- Plugin Released